Negative False Social Media Post

GCS Reputational Loss Recovered, “Culprit caught and apologized”


Never get trapped by our competitors and group of individuals who tried to damage GCS reputation and caught with evidence, Video statement for false complains and misinformation spread on social media against “GCS” Global Citizenship Solution. Having Intention to damage the company reputation “GCS”, The company “GCS” has full right to take strict action against the company or individuals.

Public Notice:

Our GCS Web Portal is accessible for all our valuable clients, please register your concern on tab “Customer Support”, our expert legal team and board of advisory will get in touch with you to resolve your concern on priority following the company’s SOPs, terms and conditions, agreement signed by you.

Court of Law:

Defamation by the District Court under Section 13 of the Defamation Ordinance, 2002. Sec. 3 in this ordinance it prescribes that defamation means to make a false statement causing injury to the reputation of a person/organization or to bring him in ridicule, unjust criticism and dislike.